WRP TV Episode 002: How to use Amazon Ads and competitor products to find new customers

In episode 2 of WRP TV the team at We are Polymer takes you through some simple steps to identify potential competitor products you could use in your Amazon Ads strategy to build your market share.

Video Transcript

Gary: Hello and welcome to episode two of WRP TV brought to you by We Are Polymer and I'm your host Gary Reid and I'm joined today by head of performance Jen Grant and PPC director Lucy McNeile and today we're going to look at how you can use competitors and what they might not be doing on Amazon to gain new customers for yourself. So we've got a page here that we've got open which is I've done a search for Benefit Cosmetics and as you can see we're sort of above the fold we've got this um sponsored brand ad by aoran and then we have two adverts by julip and gr Cosmetics before you see the actual organic listings for Benefit and one of the reason I wanted the guys to talk about this because there was a a study or some research done by the FTC the Federal Trade Commission in the US which was looking at whether Amazon was doing anything right or wrong with he advertising that found that 47 clicks for every 47 clicks there is on an advert there's only one click on an organic listing on Amazon which means that 98% clicks are going on ads on Amazon so if you don't have an ad you're getting very small share of um of the clicks anyway Lucy over to you sure

Lucy: yeah so I think yeah exactly as Gary said competitive or competitive bidding on Amazon can be a really effective way for particular particularly kind of smaller Brands and lesser known Brands um as a way of gaining awareness but also kind of driving sales from you know in Market audiences by essentially piggybacking on the kind of well-known brands that people are searching for but who aren't investing in kind of paid ads across Amazon um it basically allows you to get your ads in front of kind of relevant audiences um and kind of take advantage I guess of where um your competitors are kind of lacking Amazon coverage uh to be able to kind of gain that traffic um and get customers through um I think yeah as this example shows um people that are searching for uh benefit will be able to clearly see um some other businesses showing essentially ahead of of the organic ads um and hopefully kind of get those clicks through to either the Brand store Page um in the case of the the brand uh sorry the sponsor brand ad at the top um all through to specific products um as the ones are shown below um I think it it is one that's um you know an interesting strategy um to be able to use and it would depend definitely on kind of the budget availability um for The Advertiser um as well as the kind of competitiveness of the offering so as you can see in the sponsor products examples the the ads that are showing are ones where there's a lot of reviews so the first one there 43 or almost 44,000 reviews that that product has so it's kind of a really competitive ad to be showing um and obviously yeah you're then more likely to get that click um for people to be able to actually purchase your product um because the the kind of product listing you're showing is of higher quality um rather than having you know an ad that's just has one review or perhaps isn't very price competitive uh that's going to be a less effective strategy to be then bidding on competitive terms um across relevant yeah that that that makes sense I mean if you were if if your products were 40 50 pounds against benefits at sort of 17 15 you probably wouldn't get much traction I guess uh on if that's what people were looking for so that's a really good point um and Jen one of the other things that that uh we were talking about is actually just bidding on some of those sort of top products in in cosmetics I know you sort of highlighted this particular product here do you want to explain a bit more about that

Jen: yeah so I think as we saw in the last screenshot we we saw that there were both of sponsored brand ads and sponsored product ads um but what we kind of didn't discuss was the actual strategy behind you know how are those band Brands actually bidding to get their products in those placements so we clearly think it's some sort of competitor bidding um but is that sort of bidding on competitor keywords is that bidding on sort of um competitor categories because um if anyone's registered in the brand registry you should be able to select that brand as a category to bid on which could be one of the methods that one of those Brands is using um or it could be to actually be bidding on specific competitor asens um so in this example if you can scroll down to towards the bottom of the page um it is possible on every sort of product page to see uh how you rank so there we've got the best sellers ranked and if you click on those links we can see we're 200 228 ranked in Beauty for this product and here you can see all of the products that are included within those rankings so this could just be a good way to kind of discover new competitor products you know which ones are are priced competitively with you um that you may decide that you want to bid on in your uh Amazon ads campaigns and in this way what you might find is you know if someone's searching on Amazon they're not 100% sure what they're going to buy yet but they're may be searching across a few of these different products if you can bid on this product as an Asin within your campaigns in a sponsored product campaign you may be eligible to appear on that actual product Details page when someone's searching for a product so again it's just a way to kind of take advantage of perhaps a a more well-known brand or something that's got a similar price point to yours um and kind of steal some of that traffic uh away from your competitors yeah that's really interesting actually a really really sort of good approach I mean I think you know and like you like you said Lucy it's probably not not for everyone not for every product but there is definitely a place um in when you look at an overall strategy whether this is something you want to do and actually just how easy it is to find out what that what the the best sellers are in a category as well and and see where someone is so that's you know so easy to do and so simple to sort of put that together um so I think that's that's it for today we just want to cover that really quickly and uh how that is and if you do need any help with your Amazon store and and putting that together and running some ads then please get in touch our email addresses hello W rp. team um and that's it from us today thanks for listening bye thanks

Thanks for watching.

We are Polymer are a PPC, Paid Social and Amazon Ads Agency that also provides service to in-house teams, if you would like to find out more please get in touch here


WRP TV Episode 3 Battling the Buy Box on Amazon


WRP TV Episode 001: A Guide to Amazon Ads